SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which means doing optimization blog to display on the main page / pages on the search engines when someone types a word search on the search engine box. The process is the one to open search engines Google, Yahoo, and MSN, and it will type in search words in the search engine box and then will display the page list includes Blog-Blog that match the search word is typed that person.
Beberapa TIPS SEO dari saya :
Content:The contents of the Blog You have to load a lot of keyword searches in accordance with the targeted search keywords. Search keywords are the words typed by Internet users to its search engine in finding the information he wants. In the example above the search keywords author is an Internet business, online business, business
Indonesia internet, internet business in Indonesia, Indonesia online business and online business in Indonesia.
Back Link:
back link is a link blog you are shown on the blog someone else. Quality back links can affect page rank (rank) Blog You, the higher the page rank the search engines you rate this blog contains content (content) quality blog to display the search results. Quality back links are from blog to put a link to your blog's.
In the election of a domain name you the first time, try to have keywords
(keyword search) on the domain name you.
Title dan Metatags:
Blog belongs to You, You need to make a title and meta tags that contain the search keywords that you aim at. To make the code title and meta tags you can use
Sitemaps: sitemaps is a page that displays a map link on the Blog You, sitemaps ease of search engine spiders to navigate blog content and update you of any changes that occur in the Blog You're on the database search engine. To create sitemaps You can use the or others
Natural Listing: natural listing an activity you register on Blog search engine. There are 4 pieces main directory search engine where you can register your blog.
And many more other search engine directory.
Additionally, each of us try to write a lot of posts related articles ... hahaha this is what I apply on my own Blog Bali di Mataku
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